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"The Simulated Meeting" Development

The Simulated Meeting activity allows learners to participate in a simulated P&T committee meeting. The Simulated Meeting activity is divided into two components: the meeting and the follow-up analysis.


Content Development for "Meeting"

  1. Introduction text to activity
  2. Case information
  3. Credits

Interaction Development for "Meeting"

  1. Simulation engine - The simulation engine processes a branching conversation. The conversation proceeds linearly until the user is presented with a choice. When the user makes a choice the conversation then follows that branch linearly until the next user choice or the end of the conversation. During the first pass, the user can see the last statement, but cannot take a different course through the simulation. At the end of the first pass, the user is directed to the analysis portion. At the end of or during subsequent passes, the user has the option to start again, or start a new scenario. During the simulation, the learner may access the "Library" at any time.
  2. Implementation

Graphic Development for "Meeting"

The simulated meeting storyboard show the following graphic elements:
  1. Introduction
  2. Meeting


Content Development of "Analysis"

  1. Commmittee Member users' parts
  2. Candidate users' parts (to come)

Interaction Development of "Analysis"

To enter the Analysis screen, the user clicks on the "Done" button. The user can access related content from this portion of the tool by clicking a statement from the transcript. Appropriate references are listed along with a general comment about the statement and specific comments about the references. References may be bookmarked for later access or to e-mail links by clicking on the radio button next to each item.

Graphic Development for "Analysis"

Current display of the transcript utilizes a conventional vertical scrollbar. Future versions will implement an "information visualization" of the complete transcript. This visualization will be a vertically compressed transcript with highlighted decision points. It will provide an opportunity for users to more quickly locate a specific statement by displaying it in the context of other statements. It will also more easily display and locate sections of the transcript that have changed due to the user selecting a different decision point in a subsequent pass.

Adjacent to statements that the user selects, the relevant bibliographic information is displayed. The user' mental model of commentary followed by justification is supported by showing general commentary to the statement, then following with a list of relevant references from the bibliography. If more than one reference applies, additional specific commentary for each reference is provided. The transcript is located in the left-hand column, commentaries and references are located on the right.

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