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National Science Foundation's ADVANCE program

The National Science Foundations's ADVANCE program aims to increase the participation of women in the scientific and engineering workforce through the increased representation and advancement of women in academic science and engineering careers. To meet this goal, the ADVANCE program provides award opportunities for both individuals and organizations:

With each of the three types of ADVANCE awards, NSF seeks to support new approaches to improving the climate for women in U.S. academic institutions. NSF facilitates initiatives for women's advancement to the highest ranks of academic leadership. Creative approaches to realize the goal of this program are sought from men and women. Members of underrepresented minority groups and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For more information about this national program, go to

NSF ADVANCE at Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology was awarded a grant to further NSF's goals. You can read Georgia Tech's ADVANCE proposal at

Promotion & Tenure (P&T) Committee

Funded by the ADVANCE grant, the P&T Committee of the ADVANCE program will be examining recruitment, promotion and tenure procedures of all faculty members at Georgia Tech. The committee, led by David McDowell, Regents' Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and made up of faculty members across the institute, will be conducting studies on the P&T process. Results will be evaluated and used to enhance the P&T process. Proposed measures include the development and implementation of a formal training process for all P&T committees, as well as the preparation of case studies to use with training.


Also funded by the ADVANCE grant, the ADEPT tool is a series of activities presenting the results of the P&T Committee's research in an easy-to-understand and engaging format. Its various activities target P&T candidates and/or committee members. It currently consists of four modules:
  1. Annotated Vitae (AV) explains parts of a vitae and factors that affect their inclusion and presentation.
  2. Navigating Your Career (NYC) is a game that provides feedback on career choices and a balanced lifestyle that affect career outcomes.
  3. The Simulated Meeting (SM) is a social simulation that allows learners to participate in a simulated Promotion and Tenure (P&T) committee meeting.
  4. Cases & Questions (C&Q) allows learners to read cases and evaluate what biases and/or procedural issues may be present.

The tool is proposed as a downloadable application that is accessible from the ADEPT website.

Project Organization

ADEPT Tool Design
ADEPT Tool Development
ADEPT Project Schedule
ADEPT Minutes
ADEPT Prototypes

Related Links

Georgia Tech Resources
Outside Resources