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"The Simulated Meeting" Design

Overview of Design (by Category)

Note: This swiki page serves to deliver design rationale by design category, i.e., learner/user goals; interaction, content, graphic and architecture designs. Another swiki page delivers this same information via an organizational model by component, i.e., Meeting and Analysis components.

The Simulated Meeting activity allows learners to participate in a simulated P&T committee meeting. The architecture was initially designed for a tool which contained only the Simulated Meeting activity. An analysis component was later added, which allowed the user to traverse the transcript of the Simulated Meeting, identifying biases and procedural issues. A third component, a survey, was also added, but was later removed (possibly to be offered at a later time as an add-on component). The current Simulated Meeting activity is divided into two components: the Meeting and the follow-up Analysis.

Learner Goals

User Goals

The user's goal is to advance through the dialogue of a simulated meeting, choosing answers at strategic decision points. Afterward, users may review the transcript, identifying potential issues with the answers chosen. Users may optionally review in-depth research regarding the issues associated with the answers, or all issues regarding promotion and tenure.

Content Design Overview / File Formats

Interaction Design Overview (Actors and Use Case)

Graphic Design Overview

Architecture Overview (Simulation Engine, Analysis Engine Options)

Links to the Page

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ADEPT Minutes
ADEPT Prototypes

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