Part D
Perez Scenario
COMPRESSED & REVISED draft-in-progress for storyboarding[with notes in brackets]
Shortcuts Part B Part C Part E
D1--Dayan: "Perez seems to be adhering to that old adage 'birds of a
feather' - you know? Look at who's on his grant team: Lopez, Johnson,
Rodriguez, Bahouali."
D2--Smith: "Good point. In fact, the engineering education piece Perez
wrote focuses on education of minorities. I know there are a lot of
programs coming out of Washington to support this kind of thing, but
you can't do that at the expense of being a hard core engineer."
D3--Dayan: "Yeah, doesn't he know that research is based on merit?
You've got to deliver the goods before you get any respect. Bring in
the money, attract attention from students. We need more people who
work rather than whine about lack of opportunities."
D4--Kulver: "Come on, guys. We are deviating from our charge "
-- YOU. "The education piece should be irrelevant to our judgment of
his engineering scholarship because it is an opinion and not research."
D5b -- YOU. "I don't think anything is out of bounds in a p & t discussion."
-- YOU. "I agree with Keith that ethnic bias has no place in this
discussion or in our dealings with Perez. He ought to be commended for
taking on the service of minority recruitment into engineering and
excelling in everything else he does."
-- YOU. "Keith is right. The engineering education essay is a relevant
piece of scholarship as it concerns an innovative curriculum in light
of ABET 2000."
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