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Part C

Perez Scenario
COMPRESSED & REVISED draft-in-progress for storyboarding[with notes in brackets]
Shortcuts Part B Part D Part E


C1--Smith: "Let's look at teaching now."

C2--Kulver: "His teaching scores are pretty good. Look at these evaluations for that intro course. He did as well any other assistant professor and better than most."

C3--Dayan: "We won't know how effective he really was until we get those intro students in major courses. Does Perez have high numbers because he jokes around and gives high grades? "

C4--Smith: "Yes, if he is concerned about teaching, he ought to encourage retention of majors and appropriate pedagogies. I don't see evidence supporting his ability to attract students in materials. Who knows, as Jason says, what's really going on in the classroom."

C5--Kulver: "Well, are these teaching standards--retention of majors and appropriate pedagogies--that we will invoke for everyone?"

C6--Smith: "We should look at Jones' case: now there's someone who lays out a terrific teaching portfolio. Why can't Perez get help so he can get results like Jones?"


C7a--YOU: "While we shouldn't directly compare cases, Perez's case concerns me a lot"
reference type="procedural" category="compare cases"
C7b -- YOU: "Yes, Jones definitely deserves his teaching awards."
C7c -- YOU: "Al, you don't like Perez because he disagrees with you about team teaching. You think every man should take care of himself about teaching, while he argued for the value of faculty team-teaching intro courses. Perez is a great teacher according to the summaries of senior exit interviews provided in the curriculum vita (cv)."
C7d -- YOU: "But we shouldn't directly compare cases. Perez has documented effective teaching by including the exit interviews, evaluation scores, and student letters supporting an external teaching award."

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