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"Navigating Your Career" Development

Content Development

  1. Categories of issues:
  2. Career accounts of each case study:
  3. Introduction text
  4. Scripting for playing pieces (to come)
  5. Multiple choice questions with at least two responses each, an explanation of why some responses may be better than others, and point schema for the answers
XML Format for Variable Content

Interaction Development

Use Case

  1. Learner chooses a character to animate. The character is represented by the mode of transportation to and from work. A career account is read by the learner providing background information about the character.
  2. Learner begins playing.
  3. Two decision points are shown on the gameboard. Learner selects one to read and answer.
  4. Playing piece is moved to appropriate space on the gameboard (based on question selected). A hazard might be encountered that is relevant to the question selected, and is displayed in the animation of the movement of the playing piece.
  5. Selected question is shown over gameboard with two or more possible answers. Learner selects one of the answers.
  6. A response to the answer is shown over the gameboard (replacing question/answers).
  7. Learner clicks "next question." Before next two decision points are shown, points for answering current question are awarded.
  8. Next two decision points are shown. Learner selects one to read and answer.
  9. Repeat steps above until all questions are answered.

Graphic Development

  1. Gameboard representing relationship between Professional, Unit, Level and Personal categories (see Storyboard, below)
  2. Playing piece with animation scripted to match category being accessed (to come)
  3. Measures (see Storyboard, below)
  4. Question/Response windows and next button (see Storyboard, below)

Architecture Development

Most of the game will be developed in Flash. (Details to come.)

Storyboard of NYC design

Navigating Your Career (NYC) development

See what's been developed so far... (Clemens' car crash)

Link to this Page

Project Organization

ADEPT Tool Design
ADEPT Tool Development
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