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"Navigating Your Career" Design

Storyboards (First draft)

When the learner selects the Navigating Your Career activity from the splash screen, this window opens:

Uploaded Image: NYCintro.jpg

If user selects Description of Measures or Career Account before selecting a case, the following error message appears:

Uploaded Image: NYCintroerror.jpg

When user selects a case, the following introduction screen to that case appears:

Uploaded Image: NYCintroLee.jpg

When user chooses to play the game, following screen appears, with red dots on the playing field, indicating what questions may be available to answer:

Uploaded Image: 1reddots.jpg

The player selects a red dot, and a multiple choice question box appears:

Uploaded Image: 2question.jpg

User selects an answer:

Uploaded Image: 3answer.jpg

When user selects an answer, a comment about their selection appears.

Uploaded Image: 4comment.jpg

Also, when user selects an answer, the appropriate measure is changed to reflect an updated progress:

Uploaded Image: 5measures.jpg

The winning condition shows the number of paths that the user has kept intact. The more paths that are intact, the better the outcomes based on more opportunities available to the learner. A screen with few paths left intact indicates choices that were made that limit the learner's potential for favorable outcomes.

[jpeg to come]

The Navigating Your Career resource panels looks like this [updated NYC version to come that shows maybe detailed description of each measure as it pertains to the particular case, or maybe candidate's vita or career account]:

Uploaded Image: SMres.jpg

Navigating Your Career (NYC) development

See what's been developed so far...

Sample animation for Clemens' car.

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