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"Navigating Your Career" Content Development

Pam Lee — Professional Issues

Questions/Responses/Discussion/Point values

  1. DP 1: Leaders in a society in econometrics ask Pam Lee to become a co-editor of their new journal in the field.
  2. DP 2: According to information supplied by a friend at a funding agency, a senior colleague in Lee's unit who has previously collaborated on another project with Lee submits a prospectus for a grant proposal based on Lee's independent research but does not credit her.
  3. DP 3: External colleagues ask Lee to collaborate as the only econometrician on a multi-million dollar, multi-university research proposal that has the prospect of funding a number of her graduate students for 4 years.
  4. DP4: Lee is asked to serve on a review panel in a related discipline.
  5. DP 5: Lee is considering applying for an Early Career Award, but she wonders whether it is worth it to invest time that could be used to do research.

Decision Points on Institutional Issues (DI)

  1. DI 1: Lee is asked by her college dean to serve on a task force of faculty, staff, and students developing mechanisms to assist foreign teaching assistants.
  2. DI 2: Lee is asked if she would like to become an adjunct faculty member in another college and to have one of her key courses cross-listed in its curriculum.
  3. DI 3: Graduate students in the university ask Lee to be a speaker for a local conference they are organizing.
  4. DI 4: Lee is asked by colleagues in another unit to help find a speaker for their unit colloquium.
  5. DI 5: Lee is asked to serve as the junior faculty representative on the college's executive committee.

Decision Points on Unit Issues (DU)

  1. DU 1: After developing two new course preparations in her first term, Lee is asked to develop new courses in three successive terms.
  2. DU 2: Lee's chair assigns her a mentor, who has volunteered to serve in this capacity.
  3. DU 3: Lee's undergraduate students complain to her and at the same time to her chair and the dean of students that the course is too demanding.
  4. DU 4: Lee's chair sends her note encouraging her to sign up for a term-long seminar on teaching.
  5. DU 5: Lee is nominated for a college teaching award and is asked by her unit colleagues to supply a vita, some syllabi, and other information for the award nomination package.

Decision Points on Health/Family Issues (DHF)

  1. DHF 1: Although Lee kept up an active exercise regimen through graduate school as a competitive runner, she struggles to find time for physical activity given a schedule of intense research and teaching.
  2. DHF 2: Lee's widowed father is diagnosed with terminal cancer. His doctor estimates that her father, who lives at a distance and has no other close relatives, has three to six months to live.
  3. DHF 3: Lee's apartment building goes condo. She must move further from the university, commit to buying a too expensive apartment, or share someone elseís place.
  4. DHF 4: Lee realizes that some of the faculty members in her unit eat lunch together on a regular basis and often invite colleagues from other units to join in for what is mostly a social hour. When she is asked to join this group, she
  5. DHF 5: Riding her bike to work, Lee is hit by a car and suffers a broken leg.

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