February 5, 2004
John Goetzinger, Ellen Strain-Seymour, and Carol Colatrella met for two
hours to review the adept d file on laci, pointed to by Maryann
Westfall. John will work generally on improving the programming of the
analysis section; Maryann to continue to work on improving the meeting
section; Ellen available as debugging consultant.
- Suggestion to put status and devbugs info on the swiki is adopted. Dev bugs to list comments, categorizing them, and indicating who would resolve the issues.
- directions for the user regarding the activities and purpose
of ADEPT, which appear on the sidebar of the website, to be
incorporated at appropriate steps within tool.
- more elaborate summary for the swiki to come.
Next meeting: Thursday, February 12, 10 am - noon, IDT lab.
Agenda: show completed work, report on discoveries, and develop
continuing work plan.
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