Current ADEPT bugs and to-do list
ADEPT Website: changes will be implemented by new team member Judy
- Add independent flash modules as they become available
- Review existing material and update as necessary (Contributors)
Simulated Meeting (SM) activity
- reprogram in Flash in current non-animated state
- add animations as time becomes available
- review xml files of dialogue to refine expression cues
Cases & Questions (C&Q) activity
- add access to general questions
- add references to PTAC report and other references
Navigating Your Career (NYC) activity
- Implement as stand-alone module
- Incorporate sound
- Randomize paths of transportation
- Match question to path of transportation (or vice versa)
- Finish bus transportation animations and incorporate
- Review (possible redesign) scoring
The Annotated Vita (AV) activity
- Review use case for completeness
- Dialogue (in progress)
- Write model problem (posed by candidate) and model suggestions (posed by mentor)
- Write model introduction to problem (what cell phone, visitor, etc. might say to trigger the candidate bringing up a problem)
- Develop questions (all issues to be addressed) for Anders case study
- How/should user be aware of unexplored issues? Or should case be limited to all issues that will be explored in the session?
- Develop physical details of visitors, or determine an abstract
representation for each class of visitor (colleague, chair, student).
- Finalize analysis portion of completed cv.
General application issues
- Perform incremental back up of all work to server (weekly).
- Embed fonts?
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