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"The Annotated Vita" Design



Use Case

  1. User reads the introduction
  2. User follows one of two paths:
  3. In the case study, user reads about a case scenario with factors that might affect the candidate's cv.
  4. User then takes on persona of the candidate, and is seated at a coffee shop with a mentor. User initiates conversation about a problematic area of his/her cv.
  5. Mentor responds with possible solutions.
  6. User chooses one solution. Answer is recorded via a visual change in an iconic representation of a cv.
  7. User continues posing problems, listening to mentor, and choosing a solution.
  8. Solutions are each recorded via a visual change in cv icon.
  9. An external stimulus poses other problems (that the candidate may not have considered as problematic). For example, a cell phone representing areas outside the institution might ring, a colleague might walk by, the cashier might make a comment.
  10. The mentor might comment on these problems.
  11. Same multiple solution - single selection - cv icon recording cycle is completed for each issue posed.
  12. When no more issues are available, the final cv is displayed, with analysis available via hypertext links.
  13. User reviews how his/her choices have affected the cv via these hyperlinks: selected items in the cv show more detail, including the relevant citation and its annotation (if applicable).
  14. User bookmarks the citation for later reference.
  15. User goes back to the "coffee shop" to review mentor's suggestions, and change answers to questions.
  16. The cv shows how these new answers have affected the cv.

Use Case 1: Anders

Generic CV Engine

The generic cv engine will handle the display of the various elements of a cv, arranged in topical outline form. Each selected element will display either the description or an example, based on user selection. The generic cv engine will also handle the display of the various "factors" class of objects, also arranged in topical outline form. Each selected factor will display either its description or an example, based on user selection.

Case-Specific CV Engine

The case-specific cv engine will handle the display of the various elements of a selected candidate's cv, as it is being "built. Each selected element will display the annotations, citations and links relevant to that item. The engine will also manage the bookmarking of citations [and allow users to switch from one case to another within examination of a specific element or factor, allowing direct comparisons?].

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