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"Cases and Questions" Design

Learning Goals

The Cases & Questions activity allows learners to read about candidates' career accounts and anticipate potential biases and procedural issues. The learner can read relevant bibliographic entries to confirm that issues may exist.

User Goals

Users manipulate a text-based to toggle between a "blind" version and a color-coded version of case accounts wrought with potential biases and issues.

Thematic Design

There was no theme developed for this tool. Efforts focused on quickly prototyping a tool that leveraged existing resources.

Content Design

The following content will be needed for the C&Q activity:
  1. Introduction text to the activity
  2. Career account (non-coded and coded)
  3. Questions about the career account
  4. References
  5. Credits
  6. Links to related sites
XML Format for Content

Interaction Design

The information in the introduction page to this activity is similar to the introduction page to the Simulated Meeting activity. The information is generic. Users click on a case to load relevant information, including automatically popping up the "Cases & Questions resources" window.

The interactivity for the C&A activity is linear: users read a career account of a P&T candidate. Users then click on statements from the career account that they may feel indicates a bias or procedural error. If the statement is an error, it becomes color-coded, and relevant references are shown in the adjacent column. The user may bookmark the reference for later perusal. The user may also read questions regarding the account. The questions are designed to point users to statements in the text that may be errors. Users answer the questions in a self-study manner, by selecting the statement in the career account that best points to a potential issue.

Graphic Design

The introduction page to this activity is similar in design and layout to the introduction page in the Simulated Meeting activity.

The design and layout of the actual activity page is similar to the analysis portion of the Simulated Meeting activity. A left-hand column contains the career account. A right-hand column shows the relevant reference, when appropriate statement is selected. A separate resource, similar in design to the resource window for the Simulated Meeting activity, contains the questions. A full color-coded version is also accessible through the resources window.

Navigation options from this activity are:
  1. loading different cases from the sidebar case buttons
  2. going back to the splash page to access a different activity

Storyboard of C&Q Design

Architecture Design

The tool is basic html-based.

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