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April 15, 2003

Our meeting schedule in the upcoming week (locations TBA):

Friday, April 25, 10am to 1pm (with a lunch break)/to de-brief about the ADVANCE conference breakout sessions for the first hour, to be followed by continued planning for the tool for those who can stay

Monday, May 5, 9 am to 11am

Wednesday, May 7, 10am-11am

We'll need to get group consensus about a good time to schedule a weekly meeting in May and beyond.

Meeting summary:
Today 4/14 Maryann, Meghna, Laura, and I met to continue discussion of the tool and considered the interactive exercises connected to the meeting scenario.

Last time we discussed the content for the meeting scenario and considered what a first-time use of the tool would be (reading through the transcript and responding at certain key points of the conversation). Today we proceeded to discuss how a user would move through the meeting scenario the second time at his/her own pace, classifying social bias and related evaluation issues. The tool would link user interests to appropriate research.

A third time through the meeting scenario would allow a user to see other bias issues (i.e. noted by other users) and to observe the links to research.

Notes from today's meeting were shared by Laura and Maryann. Laura will proceed with planning for the computing architecture and Maryann will proceed with sketching out storyboards for the plans discussed today.

We also consulted with Lissa Holloway-Attaway in the early part of the meeting today, who advised about some editing problems on the PTAC co-web and indicated that she has sent the request on to OIT.

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