July 19, 2006
Interaction design was refined and updated, and the following points were established:
- The dialogue is a linear (not branching) narrative that resembles
the conversation of a mentor and candidate with some additional advice
offered by or in response to the interactions of others. In the Anders
case: another colleague, a professor from another university, an editor
(cell phone), and a student.
- There will only be brief directions at the beginning of the activity; cast of characters available to consult (?).
- As represented on the storyboard swiki, balloons will hold
dialogue and there will be additional pop-up windows for sidebar info,
as necessary. At any moment, there will only be two windows with
dialogue and information.
- Certain points in the dialogue will be linked to the vita
icon, which is always on the screen. There will be a template vita form
(before) and a form that gets filled in with Anders' information as
points are made in the dialogue (after). There will also be Post-Its on
the changed vita with annotations that link the changes to comments or
info in the bibliography or bibliography to come.
- Every dialogue statement should be tagged active (linked to vita) or passive (not linked).
- Every dialogue statement needs to have some clickable text for
links and to allow the user to advance to the next bit of dialogue.
Next steps
Carol: Describe the characters for Maryann (this week) and work
on finishing the dialogue and making it more succinct (next week). Also
need to sketch out some ideas for the vita changes (next week). Also
proofing the revised activities.
Judy: Prepare completed dialogue for programming by adding the
tags of passive and active. Also, format the active links. Consult with
Madhur about what the formats should be.
Maryann: Work on creating more characters and graphics as necessary.
Madhur: Continue with programming.
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