June 24, 2004
For overall ADEPT tool:
- new splash screen design to be completed when graphics for NYC activity are finalized.
For Simulated Meeting activity:
- bibliography has been updated (6/20/04).
- bibliography xml will be updated by John to reflect the
additional references and renumbering of latest bibliography. John will
also incorporate revisions to the followup analysis as discussed.
For ADEPT website
- John will continue to work on turning the bibliography into a
database, consulting with the provost's webmaster Dan Klainman about
putting an html, anchored version on the ADEPT Bibliography page. (John
will also consult with Dan about posting a feedback form for ADEPT
users at the site).
For Navigating Your Career activity:
- Maryann demo'd her initial design for Navigating Your Career. The
group reviewed possible revisions, deciding on keeping the following
basic design elements from this version (with resize and/or revisions
as necessary for adding new element):
- squiggly lines denoting routes as on a map (field of play)
- two map icons representing home/personal and workplace/university (on field of play)
- red dots for decision points (randomly placed at junctions on map)
- questions in multi-choice form in pop-up window with rollover answer
- response in pop-up form
- The group agreed to add the following elements to the NYC design, which Maryann will include in the next version:
- a third map icon denoting discipline/other external communities (possibly an icon of a globe)
- a set of persistently visible measures for users indicating:
- research
- teaching
- service
- health
- allies
- enemies
- red decision points randomly generated with a variable tied to user's previous response
- icon of transportation as user's "playing piece."
- Carol will write questions, answers, and responses, including
positive/negative values of choices, based on the Pam Lee case and to
be included in the NYC activity.
Next Meeting:
The group will next meet the week of July 11, after consulting via email about date and time.
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