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January 21, 2004

Action list for preparation of Provost presentation to Alice Hogan (NSF ADVANCE chair). The following should be copied to CDs for the Provost, program officer, Dr. Realff and Carol Colatrella:
  1. The application, including all cases (John's improved version)
  2. Excel spreadsheet of the Perez meeting & references (John's version)
  3. PTAC/ADEPT Bibliography (attached to Laura Cofer's recent email)
  4. PTAC Report and Survey (, with user name of ptac & password of advance 1003)
  5. ADVANCE Research Survey of Dr. Fox (from Dr. Realff's email of today)
  6. (if time permits) Power point of the new material that Maryann will provide--website, splash page intro, meeting (with file moved & other graphic enhancements), and the enhanced follow up analysis page
  7. Data toolkit: Excel template, Access converter, and Readme Tutorial (from John)
  8. Cartoon toolkit (from Maryann)
  9. Website additions needed (to be linked by Maryann) on items 3, 4 and 5 above. Send swiki urls to Carol.

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