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May 22, 2003

Meghna, Maryann, and Carol discussed reconfiguring the look of the game to incorporate evaluation of bias in an ongoing way. We agreed that the evaluation ought to be woven into the comic strip as much as possible along with the documents.

We also continued to develop a schedule for our work, now available on the swiki. Meghna reported on developing the swiki to be useful in making links among sections of the dialogues and reference materials.

I have a request in to the swiki master in LCC to make parts of the swiki password protected and other parts open to faciliate development by many, so that we can post the PTAC reports and citations as soon as possible but keep them closed to all but the committee.

In our next design meeting, we ought to continue discussing how the game will look on the screen, how it will unfold, and the connections from the game to the references. Maryann will continue to work on developing a storyboard to reflect the changes, Meghna on tweaking the swiki to fit our needs, and I'll work on developing scenarios with the PTAC case studies subcommitee members.

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