"Cases & Questions" Development
Content — Introduction Text
Clarity and communication of standards regarding evaluation assists
university candidates and members of review, promotion, and tenure
committees. Discussing plausible narratives of fictional candidates
offers the opportunity for individuals to explore and analyze the norms
used in developing careers and evaluating colleagues. These fictional
narratives and accompanying questions can be used to calibrate
standards of unit-level committees and to advise candidates about unit
Cases appear in plain text and in color coded form. The coded versions
note where bias issues and procedural issues appear. In addition to
consulating the PTAC Report and the ADVANCE Research reports,
individuals might find useful references appearining the Bibliography
on Bias in Evaluation, posted at http://www.adept.gatech.edu/library,
provide related references.
The promotion and tenure cases in this section are fictional
composites written by Carol Colatrella and David McDowell in
consultation with the PTAC Committee and the ADVANCE team. Although
premises and issues discussed in the cases and questions reflect
possible situations, the fictional cases are not based any real
individual at Georgia Tech or elsewhere. Some cases also serve as the
basis for interactive games in other sections of this tool.
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