"The Annotated Vita" Development
Content — Introduction Text
As a promotion or tenure candidate prepares for advancement, it becomes
useful to recognize the nuances of an "information rich" curriculum vita (cv), known
as the curriculum vita (cv). This can be accomplished by:
- understanding differences in unit-, department- and institution-level and culturally-based criteria
- presenting information about teaching, research and service, relevant to these standards
- recognizing how strengths and weaknesses in the presentation affect outcomes, and can drive future career choices.
This activity will help you achieve these goals by producing a
well-crafted cv via participation in real-world discussions. Various
characters in a casual setting present issues that affect inclusion or
presentation of elements in a cv. A mentor offers advice. Here, you can
- general information about a cv — at right is an outline of this information, including the elements of a cv, and topics that can affect their inclusion and/or presentation
- case-specific information for writing a cv
- choosing the best solution from multiple suggestions offered through situational dialogue
- understanding the critical analysis provided by a "mentor"
- relevant bibliography regarding issues represented in the
multiple-choice questions; annotations in the critically-analyzed vita
point to this body of information.
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