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"The Annotated Vita" Design

"Coffee Shop Chat" Concept — Dialogue Formats

SETTING: Description (to become the first narrative on the screen); tagged as informational.


Text styles within the text types are color-coded. Black text is inactive. Clicking on blue text either advances the dialogue or opens an informational window. Clicking on orange text advances the dialogue (and may enter info into cv, in the case of choices). EVERY PARAGRAPH (except Informational) MUST HAVE SOME COLORED TEXT. This is how the user advances the dialogue. The exception is the Informational text blocks. If they do not contain colored text, they must contain a "close" button that explicitly advances the dialogue when clicked.

For programming purposes, characters should be identified with value[s] in each of these variables:

Here are the classes of characters:

Text Types
Text styles within the text types are color-coded. Black text is inactive. Clicking on blue text either advances the dialogue or opens an informational window. Clicking on orange text advances the dialogue (and may enter info into cv, in the case of choices). EVERY PARAGRAPH (except Informational) MUST HAVE SOME COLORED TEXT. This is how the user advances the dialogue. The exception is the Informational text blocks. If they do not contain colored text, they explicitly advance the dialogue when closed.

Text format

Type: Insert text type here
Speaker: Insert class of character here
Dialogue: Insert dialogue here. Includes blue text for passive link that only advances dialogue or orange text for active link that advances dialogue and adds content to cv.

Example of text formatting

Type: Passive
Speaker: Mentor
Dialogue: Are you as busy as I am this time of term? I can only talk for an hour because I have to go back to my office to see groups of students working on projects.

Type: Informational
Speaker: Narrator
Dialogue: Some students may be intimidated by comments that limit accessibility. Blah, blah, blah... Offer options.

Type: Passive
Speaker: Candidate
Dialogue: Yes, it is hectic now. I appreciate your taking time to talk with me about getting my curriculum vita (cv) ready now to submit to the chair.

Type: Passive
Speaker: Mentor
Dialogue: We used to turn in paperwork after the summer — everyone had time to update the cv and write the narrative. Now, submitting a draft in the spring that goes to reviewers ensures that they have enough time to read and comment on the candidate's scholarship, even though it's a busier time of year.

Type: Passive
Speaker: Candidate
Dialogue: Well, I have some very specific questions about the kinds of work I should highlight in my narrative and what goes where on my cv. I hope that's ok to ask you.

Type: Passive
Speaker: Mentor
Dialogue: Absolutely. It's always good to show your documents to a senior faculty member who might notice something you miss, as long as that person is not going to be on the review committee next year.

Type: Informational
Speaker: Narrator
Dialogue: [Quote from faculty handbook or other information regarding procedure/schedule for submitting cv.]


  1. Triggers
  2. Candidate/Mentor "Rhythm"
  3. "Coffee Shop Chat" Concept Storyboard
  4. Other Annotated Vita Concept Storyboards

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