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"The Annotated Vita" Development

Content Development

  1. Introduction text for AV
  2. Elements/Factors
  3. Career accounts of each case study
  4. Composite descriptions of selected elements/factors for each case study (if applicable)
  5. Dialogue for each case study
  6. Feedback to answering (to come)
  7. "Scoring" (cv build - to come)
  8. Cv analysis

Interaction Development

Interaction is designed to make the storytelling as believable as possible. In the introduction, the user explores elements and factors affecting presentation of the elements. User then selects a case study, and reads about factors that might affect the candidate's cv. The user then answers questions about the candidate's teaching, service and research career. Answers affect if and how items are included in the cv. When the final cv is displayed, an overall analysis is presented, allowing the user to review how his/her choices have affected the cv. Selected items in the cv can show more detail, including the relevant citation and its annotation (if applicable). The citation can be bookmarked for later reference. Users can go back to the "play" and change answers to questions. Then the new cv shows how these changes have affected the cv.

[Can/should we design another form of interaction with the same elements to make it more task conformant?]

Use Case:
  1. User reads the introduction
  2. User follows one of two paths:
  3. User takes on persona of the candidate, and is seated at a coffee shop with a mentor. Candidate initiates conversation about a problematic area of his/her cv.
  4. After system-controlled time elapse, mentor responds with possible solutions. Response is on same screen as problem; user can toggle between layers of text to read at his/her own pace.
  5. User chooses one solution by clicking on it. Answer is recorded via a visual change in an iconic representation of a cv (glowing cv icon). If user wishes to explore information about each potential answer, user drags an info icon onto the solution, and an information window pops up. (Info window can contain bibliographic citations or annotations). User can close info window when done.
  6. After user selects a solution, a system-controlled time elapse displays candidate's next problem.
  7. Repeat steps 5 through 7.
  8. A randomly generated external stimulus poses other problems (that the candidate may not have considered as problematic). For example, a cell phone representing areas outside the institution might ring, a colleague might walk by, the laptop might sound an e-mail alert.
  9. The candidate and/or mentor might comment on these problems; the screen always ends with a mentor's possible solutions, with the user being able to toggle between layers of text at his/her own pace. Repeat step 6.
  10. When no more issues are available, the system prompts the user to display the final cv. Analysis of the cv is available via hypertext links.
  11. User reviews how his/her choices have affected the cv via these hyperlinks if he/she hasn't already explored them during the "build" of the cv with the info tool.
  12. User bookmarks the citation(s) for later reference.
  13. A bread crumb trail in the form of a timeline is available to allow the user to go back to any previous problems, but never ahead.

Graphic Development

  1. Introduction screen
  2. Game setting (on-campus coffee shop)
  3. Graphical representation of elements and factors: (first) a LEVEL at which he/she influences - unit, department, institute; (second) in what AREA they mostly influence - research, teaching, service; (third) an outside FACTOR - religion, gender, family, financial, etc.
  4. Cast
  5. Graphical and/or animated representation of feedback ("answering")
  6. Graphical and/or animated representation of final cv ("scoring")
  7. Graphical representation of cv analysis

"Coffee Shop Chat" Storyboard

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