Atlanta "Buzztanical" Gardens

HCI 6750 Project: Design process for successful Human-Computer Interface

Mamie Aldridge, Ron Barbas, Amon Millner, Yoichiro Serita, Maryann Westfall

Prototypes: Ver. 1 Ver. 2

DESIGN IDEA Enhancing the experience for Atlanta Botanical Garden visitors.



      A. Overview

      For garden enthusiasts, the Atlanta Botanical Garden (ABG) offers a wealth of flora accessible through direct observation in natural habitats. This natural setting does not offer in-depth information about the various plants observed.

      B. Abstract

      A visitor would benefit tremendously from more detailed information at their disposal, and to help navigate throughout the expansive gardens, both without destroying the naturalistic setting.

      Due to the unwieldy scope of issues related to “kiosk”-type user groups, we have focused our efforts towards the membership subgroup. They can provide more focused use of the facility, and repeat visitation will be an asset. Our primary challenge in on-site testing will be in distinguishing members from non-members, as there is no visual cue for this distinction.


Phase 1: Understanding the Problem Phase 2: Design Alternatives Phase 3: Evaluation Planning Phase 4: Evaluation