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Patty Shen vita

Educational Background

B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois
M.S. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Washington



Shen's work is in the areas of the interface of digital switching theory for high speed circuits and digital signal processing with application to vision systems and automatic target recognition. Her funding comes from DoD sources, and her work combined elements of computational algorithms with hardware capabilities.


No funding in year one; obtained $350K, three year grant from ARO in second year; has submitted three proposals for funding in the past 18 months to DoD agencies and industry, since her leave of absence.

Graduate Student and Post Doc Advisement::

2 PhD students in-progress, 2 M.S. students graduated, 5 M.S. students in progress


Has taught undergraduate introductory course in computing for engineers, and undergraduate and graduate digital signal processing courses


Honors and Awards:

Rhodes Scholar, Oxford University

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