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"The Simulated Meeting" Design

Interaction Overview


Use Case

  1. The learner is assigned to a Promotion/Tenure review committee and asked to use this software.
  2. The learner goes to the website, reads about the training, and downloads and installs the application (or researches the online ADEPT "Library").
  3. The learner runs the application; it presents the learner with a choice of case studies; learner selects a case.
  4. The learner is presented with background information about the candidate, then invited to participate in a simulated meeting.
  5. First-time users must go through meeting at least once (repeat users can go directly to analysis).
  6. The simulation begins. Text appears in a balloon above the cartoon character who is "speaking."
  7. The learner advances the dialogue after reading the statement.
  8. Another committee member "speaks".
  9. The learner advances the dialogue after reading the statement; this action is repeated until the user's character is confronted with a choice of statements from which to select - the first of three "decision points."
  10. The learner chooses one statement, then advances to the next statement.
  11. The dialogue proceeds down a particular branch.
  12. The learner repeats the "advance dialogue" action until another decision point is reached (the second of three decision points).
  13. The learner chooses one statement, then advances to the next statement.
  14. The dialogue proceeds down a particular branch.
  15. The learner repeats the "advance dialogue" action until the third (last) decision point is reached.
  16. The learner chooses one statement, then advances to the next statement.
  17. The dialogue proceeds down a particular branch.
  18. The learner repeats the "advance dialogue" action until the last statement is reached, and the meeting is called to a close.
  19. The learner is prompted to exit the simulated meeting, and is presented with the Follow-up Analysis section.
  20. The Follow-up Analysis section displays a miniature transcript of the conversation.
  21. The learner selects a statement to analyze.
  22. Abbreviated list of references appears, with option to bookmark and/or expand to read.
  23. The learner clicks the bookmark buttons for two of these references.
  24. The learner clicks the title of the third reference; it expands and the learner reads it.
  25. The learner repeats this process for each statement in the transcript.
  26. At the end of the analysis, the learner is prompted to "find out what happened to Perez."
  27. An appropriate "recommendation for tenure" letter is displayed.
  28. The learner clicks a DONE button (or selects File->Quit or similar action)
  29. A modal dialog appears, allowing the learner to select from a list of choices:

Content Overview / File Formats

Interaction Overview

Graphics Overview

Architecture Overview (Simulation Engine/Analysis Engine Options)

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